Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Where's Elder C?" - Week 40. Serving in Camalaniugan

This week was possibly the craziest other than the night a fight broke out at Franks (I haven't eaten there since). It was my first week as a senior ZL  and being a DL at the same time in a new huge area.
 Let's start with Monday night. After P-day ended, the other elders came over and then we went out to work. I was nervous for Elder C to leave. He's a very fun guy and speaks just enough Ilocano that they all love him. So it seemed we spent the whole week going to the people we are teaching and hearing them say, "Where's Elder C?" and then being visibly disappointed when they found out it is just us two now.
On Tuesday we ran out of propane (no ovens or anything, just those propane camping stoves).  Then we got our electric bill. It's a 5 week month so we only got to withdraw today so I had very little money last week.  I, at one point, had only 9 pesos left - all coins. It's like paying in quarters for everything you buy. Our area is now huge and as we were a little short on money till today, we walked A LOT (my legs feel like death!). As a result, we were out a little later and then got to bed late from doing laundry so this week was a little rough.
On Tuesday (transfer day) we took everyone to the junction. All those in the areas around here being transferred go to the junction (in Magapit) where the buses come by. As zone leaders, we are responsible for overseeing the transfer of missionaries to and from our zone. We waited for a bus and then waited for the others to arrive on another bus.
We had a crazy day Saturday!! We have been getting punted all week. We were out in Fusina, a far but beautiful area and after getting punted, went to see D who is the coolest investigator. She is so prepared. She is 19, loves reading the Book of Mormon and really thinks things through.
On Our last visit we taught about our relationship with Christ and it was a reallly good lesson. Then on Saturday, her uncle and his family were there so we taught them all. We started talking about the Book of Mormon and even though we were just trying to see if she had a testimony of it yet, she ended up testifying of it's truthfulness to her family. It was amazing!
Her uncle is wayyyy cool (he has a handlebar mustache!). He has never tasted alcohol before and never has smoked. He has been wondering lately about his relationship with God. He was doubting that God loved him at all but lately he has been trying to find answers and blessings have been coming. He was so excited to read the Book of Mormon and loved that he has his own copy now.
 I had a huge realization as never before of the power of the Holy Ghost, the truth that God has a specific plan for each of us and that as long we follow those simple promptings of the spirit it will all work out for good.

Anyways, I am doing well. this was a bit of a rough week, but we still had tons of fun, laughed lots (not gonna lie, some of those were by myself...). My companion is way nice and we are getting along well. Still loving my mission - no change there. Tons of crazy experiences and tons of lessons that would take me years to learn if I wasn't here. Serving a mission is honestly just common sense.
I am also feeling really comfortable with the language. I feel like I can get by anywhere here in Tagalog and can see the progress now. Language study is something I really look forward to every day - can't wait to learn a new word. Also we were worried we would get really low numbers this week (which we actually did) as we got punted a ton and are both new and the area is too. But on Sunday we had 29 progressing less active members at church, while the average and a respectable number to have, is around 8 or 9. We owe every bit of it to just going out and doing what we should, having fun while we do it, following the spirit, and specific, sincere prayers. For reals, I have seen so many specific answers to my prayers this week, it's crazy.
Anyways, I love you guys lots.

-Elder Dustan

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