Sunday, November 18, 2012

A New Approach to Missionary Work - Governor Contacting - Week 79. Serving in Laoag

Hey guys! Good week this week.
On our last P-day we did most of our shopping at the palengke which I miss a bit. As stinky as it is, you get some real stuff and it's actually cheaper. On Tuesday we had some free time to go do some street contacting (although we are not supposed to go door to door any more  we can still go to a few doors as prompted and also talk to anyone on the street). In our finding efforts we decided to try something completely different each time. One time will be straight Tagalog, another straight English. For a few, we just get way excited when we contact people and usually our excitement is just so contagious that they listen. Anyway, our finding time is pretty fun.

We met with P this week and gave a really sweet lesson about living within our means and provident living. It seemed like it really helped him. We worked with our assistant ward mission leader this week too. He is so fun. He has been back a year now from his mission in
Hawaii. He told us about some of his spiritual experiences on his mission and also how he became converted. It was a cool experience and I really love that guy a lot more now. We are teaching their part-member neighbours now and their daughter is to be baptized in November.

On Thursday we received some specialized training from President B. It was really good. A lot of things have changed now. Before, missionaries would go out and just find less actives all over town and teach a pool of maybe forty of them. But because there were so many, they only taught each one a couple of lessons and none of them really progressed. The new thing is that we only teach 15 less actives that the ward council prays about and gives to us (we use the nine step process for working with the ward council. When everyone does their part, it works so well).

So, we are only to focus on our investigators, on the 15 focus members and on our recent converts. It's pretty sweet because it makes us more effective and when you get to a new area, you have some direction so you don't have to create a new teaching pool. It also gives us time to find investigators. This week we met a ton of new people and taught some sweet new investigators.

As I mentioned before, Governor Marcos lives in my area. We asked her security staff (who we taught before) if we could contact her house and they told us to go to her office in Centro. So we asked President if we could. He said yes and that we could use his car. So we put on our suits, got a folder and put some stuff in it that we could talk to her about and then got in President's car and went down town to the government building.

No one said "hey joe!" to us in our suits - they all looked terrified of us. We talked to the secretaries there and they said that, before you meet with the governor, you need to write a letter to her and then she has to approve a meeting. We looked at them sternly and told them we don't have time for that. We need to speak with her. So we got them to set up an appointment on Tuesday (tomorrow). I'll let you know how it goes.

We had an appointment with G, our investigator who is the chief nurse at the hospital. We were kind of disappointed that there were no fellowshippers to go with us. We went to his house not knowing what to expect because he kind of wants to party with us all the time. He made it sound like it might be a party. When we got there he had a few friends over and we were bummed because we thought it was a party after all but then they just started moving furniture around and stuff. Then as we are standing there trying to determine if we should leave or stay, we look over and there is our assistant ward mission leader! I was so surprised to see him since he has never come to that house with us before.

As it turned out, the friends were only there to help move stuff for and then they left. Then it was just us, P, and our fellowshipper. P had bought pizza for the three of us too. Turns out that our fellowshipper (assistant ward mission leader) had heard from his brother who had overheard us talking as we walked by, that we might be there, so he went to G's house, hoping to help us teach him.

Sister B's family are here for three days, staying at the mission home. There are like forty of them - her six brothers and sister, their asawas and their kids as well as her parents. Yesterday our attendance at church nearly doubled thanks to them.

We were teaching some of the classes on Sunday. I taught the young men. They were almost all my mission president's nephews. All I taught was how awesome a mission is and told stories of both fun and spiritual things that happened to us.

Things are going well here. I am feeling well and the work is great. Tell everyone I say hi and I love them. Take care.
Elder Dustan

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