Monday, February 18, 2013

Thought He Was Golden But Turns Out He's a Gold Digger - Week 94. Serving in Sarrat

We had only one study session of time to prepare for for training our zone on what was covered at the zone leader conference. We were up until 1am getting it all done and then up at 5:30 to get to Laoag on time. It went well though. We got revelation relatively easy for our training. Fasting really helped.

Everyone was shocked by the new announcements but took it pretty well. Missionaries (like most people) don't seem to like change. The new schedule gives us a lot more planning time for lessons. We have already seen the difference in being totally prepared for lessons.

We broke our fast at McDonalds and as usual got more than we could eat - your eyes seem to get bigger when you fast.

We have lots of people to teach but we keep getting punted. We had no success in finding this week. We did go to Vintar to interview a couple for baptism though. I couldn't do the interview since I had taught them before, so I sat with Elder C and chatted.

We are still working on getting the R family ready for baptism. The father is way cool and could be baptised now if he wanted to but his wife is not quite ready.  We taught the word of wisdom. The tatay had already quit smoking but the doctor told him to keep smoking at least one a day to "stay healthy"! One of the neighbour kids has started coming into the lessons and is really interested. He asked me TONS of questions about the Book of Mormon and when you answer him he has the look of being completely absorbed by the answer.

We went back to see a really friendly guy we met before. As we are about to start teaching him, he says, "Yeah,I really need your help. I am not actually from here but the province south of llocos
Sur. One day I found out someone was hiding gold under a tree near my house so I dug it up and took it and now they are after me. I need you to teach me." Well that was deflating - kind of crazy and funny, and way unexpected. We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked him to read it. We won't be going back though. Either he is crazy or a wanted man. Funny how great the missionaries are at finding these people and how bad the police are at it. Can't even count how many people we have found who have killed people and gotten away with it.

We had a great time teaching M, as usual. He is the coolest member - 67 years old and way active. He speaks great Tagalog for an old fogie. He's way funny too and loves his family so much. He was beaming two Sundays ago when, for the first time in years, his whole family was at church. He's the one we help by watering his crops.

Thanks for everything guys. I love you so much and still am very much enjoying every minute here.
Elder Dustan

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