Monday, October 15, 2012

How to Clean a Fish - Filipino Style! - Week 71. Serving in Laoag

Hey guys! This week went by so fast I can't even remember what happened! Elder M pointed out to me this morning that after this transfer I will be counting my transfers left on one hand! So weird.

I don't think anything really crazy has happened this week. I have actually been pretty busy in the office lately. Every one of us in the office has a binder which outlines what they need to do. I haven't read the other binders but my travel binder is pretty organized. It says what needs to be done week by week for the whole transfer. The thing that I am noticing now is that about 80% of that has changed with President B. So after I finish all the stuff I need to do (bookings, letting parents, bishops and stake presidents of missionaries know about their missionary's travel schedule etc.), I will be entirely re-doing and starting over with the travel binder. It's a good challenge.

We had a small earthquake here last week. It was really weak and could only shake our computer chairs a bit. When we were on Google Earth (which we use to keep track of where apartments are etc.), we found a thing which shows all the recorded earthquakes of the past and their exact location and size. It was really cool. I looked at the ones around
Ottawa and could pinpoint which two I had felt before.

We went to one of our less active families and they were at their house unloading the fish they hadn't yet sold at the market. They wanted to give us some fish to eat for dinner and wouldn't let us say no. They were too kind. Tatay took a few fish and started cleaning them. It was really sweet to see how they do it. First he scaled them, but the way he gutted them was nuts. He put his thumb in one gill and his finger in the other and broke some stuff and then pulled the gills stuff out. Then he took a knife and cut the butt out and pinching it between his knife and finger he pulled out the intestines from the butt! Then he stuck his finger through the gill and into the stomach and pulled all the other guts out of the gill! Then he just ran a little water through the fish and it was ready to go. We fried them and had them for breakfast the next day. It was pretty good. It's pretty sweet to not waste any of the fish. The cheeks are especially good.

 I don't think I mentioned that Elder T is the new assistant to the president so now my whole MTC batch is here in the mission office. It's pretty fun.

We taught E and M yesterday. They  seem to be settling into church just fine. She asks to read during class and puts up her hand to answer questions and she is making friends.

I love you guys!
Elder Dustan

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