Monday, September 26, 2011

Wait, Don't You Mean, "..Ere We Part"? - Week 19. Serving in Vintar

We got a referral last week. If anyone contacts someone from Vintar that seems interested they write the name and info on a referral card and we get it through the office. The Elders from Bacarra (who's apartment got flooded in the baguio or typhoon, and they found fish swimming in their first floor!) gave us a referral and there was no name and no info....just a photo of her on a bus and a note that said "She's got no legs, ask around". So we have a photo and are just starting to ask people if anyone knows her. We haven't found her yet. This has to be the most unusual referral ever!
This Saturday is baptismal interviews. We have several people who would like to be baptized but the only one that is for sure is D. She is paying tithing right now even though we told her not to until she is baptized. She got up in testimony meeting after only going to church for 6 weeks and she quoted and expounded on the scriptures.  One of our investigators has to be married and his girlfriend doesn't want to because she says it's easier to travel if you are single. He almost cried when we told him he can't be baptized. He reallllly loves the Book of Mormon and eats up everything we teach him. He started as an iffy and awkward investigator but he is now the one we look forward to the most. He also works at the pancit (rice noodle) factory.....don't know why I shared that, I just think it's cool I guess.
 R can't be baptized unless her husband gives us consent and he's against the church. She is so ready too. She had really expensive food delivered all the way from Laoag for us to eat with her....on HER birthday. She's so awesome - her own birthday and all she wanted to do was listen to the gospel and feed the elders (it was wayyyyy masirap too!). Then there is the other R - that kid who had Dengue Fever and the first person I gave a blessing to. He loves the church so much and is so excited to get baptized as is his brother B. They are so great. When we show up at their house they are usually sitting and reading the Book of Mormon or even singing "I Am a Child of God".  J, the former town drunk, is doing so well. He relapsed but that's to be expected so we shared the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife and he's doing so well. We gave him a tie to wear and he loves church. He used to be really quiet and self-conscious but now he answers questions on his own in Sunday school class. He also has the nicest shirts I've ever seen! He has ratty pants and shorts, no indoor lights, only a bed and a pit for fires, but the nicest shirts. He also keeps his Book of Mormon in a cardboard box covered in other cardboard pieces and fabric to protect it from rain and leaks (his place leaks a lot). He really treasures the Book of Mormon - it's so sweet to see. He also calls us Elder Brother. "Opo Elder Brother Doostan".
I remember in Sunday school when I was younger and the teacher (can't remember who though) said, "If your house was on fire and your family was safe, what would you grab from the house to save?". Everyone said "Ohhh, of course my scriptures...." but I kept thinking "I'd totally grab Duncan and my guitar". But now in all honesty I would save my scriptures. I am in love with my study time. I have tons and tons of notes of all kinds marked in them. I'm reading the Old Testament right now and am almost done Exodus.
This week has been pretty good but really wet. I got soaked four times. Finally on Saturday we got a chance to buy new payongs! On Saturday night we had a movie night and watched the second "The Work and the Glory" movie. Everyone loved it. We had to leave part way through as we had to rush back to Vintar and tell R he can't be baptized. Not a great night.    We taught an old man who has been going down hill a little and it's really sad to see but he told us once he knew it was all true. Then this time it was as if he totally forgot everything we taught him. We essentially tried to repeat it but he went on a loop and I felt bad because he was a little embarassed as he knew he wasn't getting it. I felt prompted to bear testimony about the Book of Mormon and other principles and to tell him not to forget what I told him because he'd need it later. He seemed to get it for some reason. I felt strongly that we don't need to teach him again. It was strange, but I know that he's in the hands of the missionaries in the spirit world now. Of course, we'll go back once in a while to see how he's doing. It was both a sad and spiritual night.
 I had another exchange (which is a split but now we call splits when each companion goes with members to teach different appointments, and exchange is swapping companions for a day) in Piddig, Elder S's first area. I was with Elder L. He's Filipino. He always says fart instead of part and I die laughing. I was frustrated for much of the exchange as he's really in your face with the investigators but at the end I realized that that is exactly what some of those investigators needed, as some were quite stubborn. I really liked him by the end, it was cool, and I realized just how intricate and complex God's plan for us is. He knows each of our quirks and knows who can be affected for good by them and puts those people in our path. Not just here on a mission but back home too.
I also got to teach a young couple investigating the Church and once again got to share my testimony of eternal families. They were really moved by it and I used my photos (which I use allllll the time as a teaching aid with photos of the temple and my family).
We have a dog that walks by the apartment all the time and he's way skinny but so cute and kind. He is exactly like Snoops, K's dog back home, but white. We fed him some food one night (not in front of the apartment - don't worry, he doesn't know where we live and we have a gate. I thoroughly washed my hands afterwards as well). Anyways, he sits and lays down and everything but I think he was abused or something at one point. We named him Snoopdos because he's the second Snoops and we had been naming all 150 pokemon that day! (We're so cool!)
 We are also eating weird food. Not like ethnic but just being tipid (thrifty) and eating left over stuff we have in the apartment. We had a missionary favorite - bread with condensed milk. So gross right? But it is also so good. Don't judge me! We also bought cereal for the first time and it was called "Dinobites"  (or we call it Dinobetes). It's essentially the leftovers from Froot Loop packs. No joke.
 I've been thinking about you guys and miss you so much! I hope you are all safe and doing your best in every way.
 I'm so glad to be here and love you all so much. I pray for you constantly and am learning daily just how powerful prayer is. It's a true power - not fictional, I've witnessed amazing things through true, sincere prayer. Take care of yourselves and take care of my best bud Ryan too!
-Elder Dustan

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