Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What? A Little More Off the Sides you say? - Week 54. Serving in Camalaniugan

Hey guys! I found a place that sells MUFFINS! They are way good.
I just got a haircut. An old man cut it for me. What they do here with haircuts is they buzz the sides over and over and over again and then they barely touch the top. It's almost painful for them to cut the top part. They hate it.....don't know why.
 This week we had zone conference. My companion and I were in charge of the training and it went well. We put a bunch of sticks with different colours on each at the front of the chapel and then got three volunteers. They were to pick one and then I was to tell them what would happen as a result of their choice (as each colour had an affixed consequence). All the elders' choices resulted in push-ups and jumping jacks. Then I got the sisters to ask Pres. O what colours they should choose. When they chose the colours he recommended, they got candy. The message, of course, is that every commandment has a blessing affixed to it. So when we are asked by God through His leaders to do something, we should be grateful as it is the safest course and we will be blessed. We stressed that the new mission president is going to be the new mouthpiece for God here in the Laoag mission.

I focused a lot on that principle this week - doing small, simple but important things that often get missed and I felt the spirit better. I feel great.
This week, now that I'm in my second year, I have actually been thinking a lot about how sad I will be to leave this place. Not just the place but the work. I love you guys but I am so happy here.

I don't have much else to write today. I was just so involved in planning zone conference this week that I can't think of anything else.
Keep doing the small and simple things - they add up to big things.
-Elder Dustan

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