Monday, April 9, 2012

An Awesome Old Man - Week 47. Serving in Camalaniugan

This week was really intense. I have never been this exhausted in any week of my whole life, including the time our stake youth broke the Guinness record for the longest choral recital, and any week of late school projects.

 We had Zone Leader Conference, two district meetings, a district correlation meeting and a district leaders council meeting this week.

We left way early for Zone Leader Conference on Tuesday morning (got up even earlier to do our intense workout). The bridge is out though so we had to take a jeep to the bridge and go underneath and catch a bus there (there's no water under that bridge for some reason). The jeep just flew. The driver was loving it - like it was a need for speed or something but in a huge old jeep that wouldn't pass any emissions test in the world. There were two teachers with us on the jeep and one told me to marry her daughter and take her to
Canada. When I paused to think of what to say she sensed I was hesitant and added, "You don't have to stay with her, just get her there, you can divorce her after." We turned it into a joke though and laughed about it.
 We got to the bridge that was out (it's been under construction for two years and even when it was okay to drive over it wasn't finished and looked a lot like a roller coaster). As we pulled up, there were crowds of people everywhere and they mobbed us and started grabbing our bags. It freaked us out for a second but then we realized that they just wanted to carry our bags down the sketchy straircase that went from the top of the bridge. It looked like a scene from a disaster movie! It was crazy. We got 'hey joe'd' like crazy too.
We got on an old rickety bus because we were told they were leaving before the air conditioned bus. We sat down at the back of the bus and one of the elders (his first ZLC) found a homemade  knife in the seat. One time we found underwear, a towel, now a knife. I then saw the air conditioned bus was about to leave so we switched buses and got to go to Laoag in style...kind of.
ZLC was great. When we got back to our zone, I met the new Canadian elder at their district meeting. Nice guy.

 On Friday we split with the branch president and another member. We taught a wonderful old man. He is such a sweet man. The member translated for me as he only speaks Ilocano. I asked about his reading and he has read all but the last two pages of the Book of Mormon!!!!!!!!!!!!! He told us before that he can't understand the book as the Ilocano is really deep. But I guess the Spirit helped him as he actually understands what he read. At the end I decided to bear my testimony to him in English and after a couple of seconds he closed his eyes. I finished and thought to myself, "I wonder if he feels sick or something." Then he responded in Ilocano but in exact response to what I said!! He got it! I love that man. He lives in an old trailer that has been stripped of everything and he sleeps on an old house door with a blanket.

On Sunday at church, it was raining. It's been way cold here: 18-20 degrees with cold, windy rain!!! We switched weather! Just after sacrament I looked out and saw the old man I mentioned above walking down the walkway to the chapel with a HUGE payong - like a patio umbrella! What an entrance!

We bought some BBQ sauce in Laoag and we made "Sprite chicken". You cook chicken and potatoes in BBQ sauce and Sprite with onion and garlic and it was REALLY good.

 Anyways, those are my stories for the week. I am way tired and still loving every minute of it!
I love you guys lots and will always pray for you. Listen hard to General Conference. You're lucky to get it a week earlier than us!!!
Take care of each other!!!!
-Elder Dustan

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